DeMotor Blog

At DeMotor we have decided to create a blog. Our intention is to publish articles related to the motor world. These are opinion articles, studies or curiosities that are in some way related to the theme of our sections.

As DeMotor editors, we sometimes find it good to add some technical information related more to the world of physics and engineering. We understand that this pad will help us to improve related concepts such as thermodynamics and its laws or the units of the international system of measurements, or the way of expressing different types of energy.

Organization of the blog

The articles in this blog will be classified in a similar way to how we do it in most of the website. Thus, a part of the articles will be related to thermal motors and others to electric motors. On the other hand, we are going to talk about concepts such as electricity, thermal energy.

Another objective of this section is to be able to talk about news in the motor world. Curiosities of the new designs of the different brands, advances in the field of the electric car etc.

Energía Solar

What are eddy currents? Examples and usage

Eddy currents are the currents induced in the masses of conductive metals that are immersed in a variable magnetic field or that, in motion, through a constant or variable magnetic field..

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Energía Solar

Types of engines

Classification and description of the types of engines. Internal and external combustion heat engines. Electric motors. Power motors and non-thermal motors..

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Energía Solar

What is thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics studies the movement of heat between a physical system. This study is determined by the laws of thermodynamics..

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Energía Solar

What is a Pascal in Physics?

The pascal is a unit used to measure internal pressure, mechanical stress, Young's modulus and tensile strength. It is defined as a newton per square meter..

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Energía Solar

What is cogeneration?

Cogeneration is the process of simultaneous production of mechanical energy and heat. The heat can be used to heat buildings and / or in industry..

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Energía Solar

Gas and steam boiler: what it is, how it works and how it is used

A boiler is a vessel, or set of tubes, used to heat water or another fluid. Various fuels such as diesel, coal, biomass, etc. can be used to heat the liquid..

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Energía Solar

What is an engine? Concept and definition

The engine is a machine capable of transforming a source of energy into mechanical energy or mechanically continuous work..

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Energía Solar

What pollutes more: an electric vehicle or a combustion car?

Find out which pollutes more between an electric vehicle and a combustion vehicle, analyzing their production, use and life cycle. Get specific figures and the environmental impact of both types of cars..

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Publication Date: January 20, 2020
Last Revision: January 20, 2020